Roue - Moulin de Soleils

Mill of Soleils


Built in 1861, it is the last water and flour mill in all of Provence, still working.

In the middle of the 19th century, the Jabron River was often dry and the mills had long since stopped turning. It was necessary to find a solution to stop grinding in the neighbouring villages. The elders knew that on the borders of the commune, on the border of the Low Alps and the Var, flowed the Riou, which gives water even in the dry season. It was the ideal place, especially since the road going to Castellane, by embracing the Verdon on the bridge of Soleils, had just been opened. It was therefore necessary to build at the edge of the creek. It will be the last one in the history of the village, built in 1861. Honoré Pascal, a mason of his condition, undertook the work using the stones of the castle for the construction.
We know that the Antelme brothers, grocery merchants, owned the property, without knowing whether they operated it as a mill. The mill ceased its activity in the 1960s. An inn was set up there and then in 1989, two families brought the mill back to life.

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Phone 04 94 76 22 27

Le Moulin de Soleils
83840 - TRIGANCE

Modified from 05/06/2020 by "Office de Tourisme Intercommunal Lacs et Gorges du Verdon".

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