Sustainable tourism

The territory of the Verdon Lakes and Gorges is an exceptional natural place

However, it is necessary to preserve it to ensure its longevity for future generations.
This is why we are associated with the Verdon Regional Natural Park and promote its actions in terms of sustainable and responsible tourism.

The essential in 6 questions about the Verdon Regional Natural Park (in French only) 

See pdf

10 ideas for car-free mountain outings (in French only) 

See pdf

Apron – sentinel of our rivers

Help us to protect this species, endemic to the Rhone basin and present on the course of the Verdon in the canyon between Castellane and the tail of Sainte-Croix lake as it is classified as endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
see pdf

Sensitive climbing routes during the nesting period of the Griffon Vulture and the Peregrine Falcon in 2022 (right bank) (in French only)

See pdf

Valeurs Parc naturel régional (Regional Natural Park Values)

is a national brand, collective to the Parks network, owned by the State and implemented by the 56 Regional Natural Parks of France. It values the companies committed alongside the Park for the respect of nature, the blossoming of Man and a more responsible and united local economy. Find our marked establishments directly on the pages of our site or on

The Community of Communes Lacs et Gorges du Verdon also undertakes actions to protect its territory.

In 2021, the campaign #VerdonTri2021 has been launched to modernize the collection of waste on the left bank of the Sainte-Croix lake.

See pdf

Waste sorting campaign #VerdonTri

The impact of this campaign has been positive.
As a result, it will be repeated in 2022.

The Community of Communes and its Intercommunal Tourist Office Lacs et Gorges du Verdon are also associated with the QUITRI system, set up by CITEO.

This free digital platform accompanies and promotes the implementation of packaging waste recycling in establishments (places receiving the public, visitors, customers or employees).

We are committed to sorting the following materials in our tourist information centres :

Intercommunal Tourist Office Lacs et Gorges du Verdon
242 avenue Albert 1er, 83630 Aups | +33 4 94 70 21 64 | Contact us
lacs et Gorge du Verdon
Qualité tourisme
Office de tourisme classé
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