Le Bourguet

A small village nestled among wooded hills of beech and pine. Here is the Verdon, with its mountain landscapes. The wood of the Faye offers nice walks. The ruins of the castrum, the old streets, the chapel ... A small typical village.

Life is enjoyable in this village which remembered past. Away from the main roads, Le Bourguet is situated on a still very used transhumance route. Those who stay here enjoy its landscapes of Pre-Alps’s mountain, its forests and its temperate climate in summer. At the heart of the Verdon’s country, the village is close to places of big interest for tourists.

To see ,to do and visit

Church of Our Lady of the Assumption

The parish church dedicated to Our Lady of the Assumption was rebuilt at the end of the 19th century. The chapel was part of the diocese of Senez and was a mediaeval administrative court of Castellane.

Eglise Notre-Dame de l'Assomption

Chapel of Sainte-Anne

The exact date of construction of this chapel is not known. Some people think it dates back to the 11th century, others see it as a 12th century building.

Chapelle Sainte-Anne

Forest of la Faye

While walking in the forest, you will see a set of rocks cut like towers.

Bois de la Faye

Mission cross

This cross was erected in memory of a mission

Croix de mission


This fountain was built in 1926 at the initiative of the municipality.



The washhouse is leaning against a wall made of a set of limestone stones joined in a light colour.


Bridge of Evescat

the "pont de l'Evescat" (of the bishopric in Provençal), overlooks the Jabron river

Pont de L'evescat

"Le Veilleur" by Michel Giuliano

Go back in time and discover our villages rich with masterpieces. These have been inspired by magical places and history of mankind. The sculpture "Le Veilleur" (The Watchman) was achieved by Michel Giuliano.


New bridge

The Pont Neuf to the village of Le Bourguet overlooks the Jabron river.

Pont Neuf

Saint-Pierre, Sensitive Natural Area

The departmental heart of nature is a remarkable Sensitive Natural Area which presents major interests for the territory by the richness of its heritage: nature, landscape or attendance.

Saint-Pierre, Espace Naturel Sensible

Discovery tour of the Artuby

Discover the Artuby region thanks to its discovery tour, which can be downloaded below and is available at La Martre and the Artuby Tourist Information Centre.

Circuit découverte de l'Artuby

Inn of Bourguet

Come and discover our shaded terrace with the sound of the river running through the village. For a meal or a drink.

Auberge du Bourguet
Intercommunal Tourist Office Lacs et Gorges du Verdon
242 avenue Albert 1er, 83630 Aups | +33 4 94 70 21 64 | Contact us
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