Grand Margès - Reliefs

Hikings with Reliefs


Reliefs is an office of mountain guides created by 4 enthusiasts of their territories, from the Verdon to the High Alps, passing by the massif of the Sainte Baume and the Mercantour... The whole world in short !

At Reliefs, our strength lies in the diversity of our profiles.... Family and educational hikes, sports and adventure outings, cultural visits of villages, orienteering races, trails or even wildlife outings, all with a state qualified guide... Everything is good for discovering the area in a different way!

A catalogue of the different hikes and educational activities is available on request in which each outing is detailed with its technical and physical characteristics, its quotation, etc.:
- Plein Voir
- The Pavillon
- The Trévans Gorges
- Rancoumas view point
- The Valensole Plateau
- Blanc-Martel path
- Imbut path
- Sainte-Croix lake


Adult: from 25 € (guaranteed departure starting from 10 pers.).

Group rate available for > 10 people.

One day commitment of a mountain guide: 250 €.

More informations

Intercommunal Tourist Office Lacs et Gorges du Verdon
Place Martin Bidouré, 83630 Aups | +33 4 94 70 21 64 | Contact us
lacs et Gorge du Verdon
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