Anne Elodie MEUNIER - Anne Elodie MEUNIER

Individual psychological support in art therapy


The art therapy that Anne Elodie Meunier practice as an individual accompaniment is a form of psychotherapy, humanistic, gestalt and jungian orientation.

It is adapted for children and teenagers as well as adults, couples and families, who use different tools of artistic expression (clay; painting, pastels, inks, collages...) before being extended by speech.

It allows unconscious sources of difficulties, uneasiness or illness that would not be directly accessible to the mind to be expressed through gestures, lines, shapes and colours, to be identified and released.

Art therapy sessions can also be devoted to building strength, deploying potential, and getting to know oneself better in order to live in greater harmony with others and with one's personal needs and aspirations.

It is not necessary to know how to paint, model or draw.


Adult: 60 € (1h15)
Teenager: 50 € (1h)
Child: 50 € (1h)
Group adults: 75 € (couples and families

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