Fontaine Saint Sébastien - Aups - Fontaine Saint Sébastien - Aups

San Sebastian fountain


Far from the historic centre, the San Sebastián Fountain was built on an important road.

Its construction is attested in 1913. Saint Sebastian is the patron saint and protector against the plague and was condemned to sagittation (torture by arrows).


Free access.


Miniature galerie Miniature galerie


Phone 04 94 84 00 69

Allée Charles Boyer
83630 - AUPS

Modified from 21/08/2020 by "Office de Tourisme Intercommunal Lacs et Gorges du Verdon".


All year round, daily.

Intercommunal Tourist Office Lacs et Gorges du Verdon
Place Martin Bidouré, 83630 Aups | +33 4 94 70 21 64 | Contact us
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