Vue générale - Pont de Sautet

The Sautet Bridge


The Sautet Bridge, built in stone, crosses the Jabron with a single arch, with a Romanesque architecture. This bridge was built in 1787. It overhangs the Gorges du Jabron. Bridge for pedestrians

Before flowing into the Verdon, the Jabron has dug for millions of years Gorges, more modest than the Gorges du Verdon, but still making a narrow cut in the limestone reaching nearly 20 meters deep in places, for a width stretching from a few centimeters to a few meters.

By going on the bridge, you will admire the work of erosion of the Jabron, and you will be able to perhaps benefit from it to refresh you at least the feet, in the fresh waters of the Jabron!

Activity information


Free access.

Intercommunal Tourist Office Lacs et Gorges du Verdon
242 avenue Albert 1er, 83630 Aups | +33 4 94 70 21 64 | Contact us
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